Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rainbow Meets Wind Turbine: Nations Fruitcake Hippies Get Half-Chubs


If my writing needs to be anything, it needs to be entertaining. I need to find prose that captures interest, makes the reader think that they know what I am saying, but then leaves them with a begrudging and resigned smirk when the discourse takes an unexpected, but piquant turn.

I want my writing to be admired like an imaculatly prepared dish at the finest restaurant under the most elegant and elusive candlelight. But with each bite, the reader starts to understand the flavor, novel and exciting, and becomes entirely focused on satsfying every solopistic tastebud in their mouth. The fork could not move quicker, but the tounge lounges, letting it all seep in.

An article would be a snack, and a novel would be a meal.

To write like that would be something else. I'm hungry now.

Monday, January 21, 2008


I have been taking some personal time today, which consists of feeling bad for myself and doing next to nothing. Namely just sitting here, wasting away online. But I did lean what the word bombastic meant. So I've got that going for me.

So, as I sit pondering the utter fatality and brutality of this sphere that we call a world and this mirage that we call existence, I, in essence, only reaffirm my internal dialectic of the nature of philosophically thought. Bombastic. Kind of a downer, but bombastic.
I need to get accustomed to writing on a regular basis if this is what I want to do. This blog seems easy enough, and just might do the trick. I'll try to make it entertaining enough for y'all, as well as fulfilling on a mental and spiritual level. Who knows, maybe sexual.

One thing I have learned is that people like lists. Especially ranking lists. Why?

1) They are easy to read. Just straight facts.

2) They take up more space, and you feel like you have read more when, in fact, you have read less.

3) Much less.

4) Deep down, people need structure and order, especially when ranking things like NBA teams or 2007's top 10 consumer camcorders.

5) Canon PowerShot SD870 IS

I was going to make this a list to 10, but I started blanking hardcore, and out of frustration and self-pity, called it a day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I just saw Juno and it sent me reeling back my old ambitions of being a writer. It was fantastic. I was completely in love with Juno; this beautiful, brash, strong, genius of a girl. I was a little weirded out by the fact that she was playing a sixteen year old, but felt a little better when Jason Bateman's character echoed my 'pedophellic' yearnings (Ellen Page is 20, so relax).

The movie did everything that a great movie should do. Great direction, cinematography, and acting. I was moved. I'm not sure how I feel about Rainn Wilson's cameo. Actually, it was awesome, Rainn kicks ass.

Being moved, and also being in this incredibly introspective and moldable state of my life, I thought to myself...'I want to create something like that. I want to move people.' Since I have been in high school, I have thought that being a writer would be the shit. The idea has ebbed in and out of my ambitions, sometimes taking the forefront of my 'life goals'. At times it has been completely abandoned, or at least put on the afterburner (the 'when I retire I can always work on a novel' afterburner). So here I sit again, precariously posed between a life of safety (corporate promise) with possible happiness (and maybe adventure!), or this life of a 'dream', with no certainties, no concrete goals or structure, and no promise of anything actual. I feel sick. This is the tortuous process I go through. Every night.