Monday, June 29, 2009

The Legacy Of Billy Mays

Bon voyage to the big infomercial in the sky. Full of ever-sharp knives, non-stick easy-clean utensils, of course, the Big City Slider.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's, like, so MODERN, you know?

I'm getting started on 'Summer Mix 2009'. Something that takes research, preparation, and a hours of consideration. Summer 09 will take the place of my not-so-successful 'Spring Mix 2009'. Before that was Winter Mix 2008 (AKA no sun = depressing emo music). I think you can see the pattern developing here.

I must say that The Current is probably where I get most of my songs. And, for the record, I can speak with confidence when I say that the current is VERY hit-or-miss. And before my inbox gets flooded with pro-89.3 listeners, let me just say this: No. I am right.

During the course of any given hour, the current can rattle off a barrage of songs that, in one corner, epitomize the spirit and the evolution of modern music and are a titillating pleasure to listen to, and in the OTHER corner are the songs that are played by the bands that are so off the deep end, that they THINK they are the spirit and evolution of modern music ("was any of that noise made by an actual instrument?" you might say to yourself).

And while I know that you can't have rainbows without the rain. It just seems like sometimes I can't smell the roses without stepping in dog shit. Or something like that. When in Rome, right?

So I'll continue to wade through the current's playlist with the cautious persistence of a sugar-frenzied child during an Easter egg hunt in a minefield, knowing that the longer I listen, the more likely I am to come across a really bad song. Or to explode in Cadbury deliciousness.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

You can click on the title to hear the first cut of our song.

I was trying to embed a media player in here, but I couldn't figure it out this morning. I'm sure it's something simple, but after a few hours of trial-and-error, I sucked it up and threw in the towel.

Monday, June 1, 2009

And it Can't Be Another 'phobia' Word

Just completed a recording session tonight with the one-and-only Jason "God Save The Queen" Havey. The man who introduced me to youtube. The legend who swoons ladies with a single Mizzou "y'all". The man who inspired Barack Obama to be black. The icon who orchestrated the merger between Smith & Wesson and Unicef.

Wait. I think that last one was Bill Brasky, but I'm sure that they're related somewhere down the line.

The moral of the story is that we combined forces to bring the sexy back to the recording studio. Heterosexually, of course. And with that sexy, NGP productions, ft. Hay-V, will do something, I'm sure. But for now it's just ambiguously aimed into nowhere, being wasted.

So over the next couple of days, it's all about putting in the time in the studio, and hoping I remember where the 'fix pitch' button is.

And can I get some help over here? Could I get a word that rhymes with agoraphobia?

Seriously. I will give you a writing credit if it makes the final cut.