It does seem, however, that I might run into problems with blogging again. Whereas before I was working slow, tedious, sanity-questioning hours at a bank, I am now pleasantly happy with my employment. I also am fairly content with my classes, and living situation. I can't rely on my new "content life" musings to match up against my caffeine-binge blog entries of maniacal gonzo-ism from yesteryear. Where Hunter S. Thompson had his LSD, mescaline, and acid, I was armed with 2 gallons of freshly consumed free bank coffee and the prospect of not needing to budge a cranial neuron for the next six hours (this totally explains why HAL went insane "I'm sorry Dave, but I cannot deposit that").
Aaaaanywho. Here's to hoping that I can get this blog back up and running, maybe even get the traffic back up to it's glory days (12 hits/day!). Now go ahead and watch the aforementioned "The Dream" video below. The Dream may be a huge tool, but he can put out some great babymakin' music, that's for sure.