Thursday, June 12, 2008

Help Harry Potter

My life has taken a drastic swing in the past few weeks. I went from being a bank teller and a coach in Northfield, Minnesota, to living at home, unemployed. My old room was given to Max, who is planning on living at home longer than I, so he gets the biggest room. The next biggest room is taken by Neil, who still has three more years of high school. I, then, was left with the Harry Potter broom closet under the stairs. Which means that I can touch all four walls with all four limbs if I wanted to. Well, maybe not literally, but it sure seems that way.

The other reason it might feel so confined is because I spend just about my whole day in here. I get up, get some breakfast, turn on the computer and start writing. And barring any gchat, youtube, facebook, imdb, msnbc, cnn, music, or other distractions, I keep at it until dinner time. You must be thinking, you must have a lot of writing done! Well, when you subtract all the time spent on the aforementioned activities, it comes own to about 10 minutes and 30 seconds of actual writing per day. Which, I think, is pretty damn good. This blog alone has taken me three days.

But what I am trying to do is write episodes for The Office. So, please, if you have any office related humor, please pass it on. I still have a wheelbarrow full from the bank, but a lot of it has been psychologically isolated from my conscious thought due to scarring emotional trauma, and I cannot remember it now. Don't actually think of funny things from work, because those aren't usually funny. It's the things that drive you crazy that are the best. Like how our sweater buying committee was going to order green sweaters until an employee said "You can go ahead and buy them if you want, but I am not going to wear it." So they bought puke-beige ones instead. Ok, so that wasn't very funny... that's why I need some ideas...

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