Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Testing. Testing 1-2

It's been a long while since I posted on this ol' thing. I'm not sure what's making me sit down and start typing again. Maybe it's the countless hours the left side of my brain has monopolized my thoughts with physics, ochem, and biology. Maybe it's the topsy-turvy schedule of shift work at the hospital. Or, maybe, just maybe, this is the last gasping, dying breath from the right side of my brain before it atrophies, emulsifies, and then drains out of my ear during some final cram session at 3AM. Whatever the reason, it feels good to string together some sentences that aren't work-related. Also, if you aren't following the whole "right vs. left" side of the brain theme, please watch the entertaining and informative anatomy lesson by The Dream (below).

It does seem, however, that I might run into problems with blogging again. Whereas before I was working slow, tedious, sanity-questioning hours at a bank, I am now pleasantly happy with my employment. I also am fairly content with my classes, and living situation. I can't rely on my new "content life" musings to match up against my caffeine-binge blog entries of maniacal gonzo-ism from yesteryear. Where Hunter S. Thompson had his LSD, mescaline, and acid, I was armed with 2 gallons of freshly consumed free bank coffee and the prospect of not needing to budge a cranial neuron for the next six hours (this totally explains why HAL went insane "I'm sorry Dave, but I cannot deposit that").

Aaaaanywho. Here's to hoping that I can get this blog back up and running, maybe even get the traffic back up to it's glory days (12 hits/day!). Now go ahead and watch the aforementioned "The Dream" video below. The Dream may be a huge tool, but he can put out some great babymakin' music, that's for sure.

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