Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

January 1st, the day dubbed by Comedy Central as "national hangover day", provides a unique viewpoint for reflection. While most may be milking the injuries of alcohol withdrawal, I find myself fighting the day-long murky sensation that follows an overnight shift. My mood is apropos of the preceding year: haggard, spent and satisfied.

It's been a year unlike any other in my life, and while I won't bore anyone with the details, I think it's important to provide a couple of highlights if not only for self-reflection.
  • Studying
  • Working
Well that was depressing. Let's consider this little thought experiment waste of time.

Despite my apparent lack of diversity in daily activities, a few philosophical nuggets have lodged their way into my psyche (please note forced use of imagery). I'm beginning to understand that self-reflection is important, but only secondary to planning. I famous author once said in an interview "Descartes had it wrong. You don't think therefore you are. You DO, therefore you are". A subtly obvious phrase that I will always carry with me.

So happy planning everyone. Make the most of your new year.

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