Thursday, January 29, 2009


I've been pretty sick the past week. Which means:

  1. Wiping snot onto hidden surfaces and inappropriate materials.

  2. Getting down in the dumps mentally (I think the ass-cold weather takes partial credit as well).
  • re-evaluating existence
  • questioning the purpose... of everything. Because when you are lacking motivation, there had better be a damn good reason for motivation to exist before you do anything...
  • other such questions you might ask yourself if you were having a bad acid trip in a mid-level college philosophy class. (these are the things a fever does to me)
3. And not having motivation to write, blog, or shower.

4. A lot of youtube.

And here are a couple of gems I found during the past week or so.

The first one is a fantastic live performance of Arcade Fire and David Bowie. Amazing energy, amazing song.

This second one is pretty self-explanatory...

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