Monday, April 28, 2008

The Best Part of Waking Up: is.... is...

Picture this: It's early on a Monday morning. The sun is just starting to peak up over the eastward horizon. Your alarm clock slowly and gradualy fades into your favorite radio station. Ahh, time to get up. Life's not so bad, you grab a bowl of your favorite cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch), get cleaned up, and head to to work knowing that today is the day that you get to leave early. This week might not be so bad after all.

If only I could find a magical bridge to this dreamword. Actually, I was clip-clopping accross that lollypop bridge, happy as a pig in a blanket at 6:59 this morning, when my phone rang.

When I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I am instantly thrown into a panic, because lets be honest here people, nobody in their right mind makes a casual phone call before 7AM. So when I see my caller ID bleeping 'Bank', the sun is already up, and I notice my alarm was not turned on last night, I drop about thirty thousand f-bombs and scramble to work in eight minutes (no joke). A wonderful way to start a week. The fact that I have to stay late today to make up hours for tomorrows scheduled root canal just makes this peachy situation even peachier. Hell, Im practically drowning in a metaphorical can of Dole peaches right now.

Luckily, I do have the foresight to to know that these things will happen. This isn't the foresight that sets two alarms just in case. No, that would be illogical. It's the foresight that prepurchased two boxes of breakfast Hot Pockets and stored them in the break room freezer for when I missed breakfast. So now, to top it all off, I feel sick.


Sean Noonan said...

For such great and interesting writing, you need a copy editor:

i will stop there

this will probably make your day better

Ollie said...

My only copy editor is MS Word, which I copy the entrie in before i post it. I fix the red squiggly werds, and then put post it befor the boss notises I am not actualy doing any work for the bank. The title though, thats embarriasing. asklja. Thanks for the props though, and I'll keep a keener eye out for those blunders...