Wednesday, October 22, 2008

O for Vendetta

I had the chance last week to sit down with the one and only Barack Obama. I am a person who has to see to believe - to really delve into conversation before I can start to know someone - and my press credentials were the golden ticket.

After the string of debates and increasingly pointed attack ads, I wanted to ask some tough questions. I wanted to get to the bottom of what drove this man. Who is the real Barack Obama?
He obliged to meet me for a one-on-one, but only if I brought a signed copy of my book. I told him that I've never been published. He nodded solemly.

"Remember remember the 4th of November" Obama said, seemingly out of nowhere.

"As in, don't forget to vote?"

"Not only that, but what it stands for." He slyly added "You must be wondering who I am."

"Absolutely not" I said, but he introduced himself anyway-

"By the voracious nature of our virulent and violent government, a very volatile situation has created verily a vengeful vicissitude of verbiage. Vast is the veteran vermins ignorance in voreign policy. But you can call me --- O"

"Did you say voreign policy?" I asked - but he shushed me with his index finger to my lips.

"What is your name, my son?"


"Do you believe in coincidences Ollie?"

"Oh because of the 'O' thing? Umm, not really. I'm guessing you've probably been interview by a lot of peo-"

"Neither do I, Wolly." Obama said casting a slow sidelong gaze to his left. "But tell me this - are you prepared to die for your country? To live without fear!?"

"The second part sounds alright I suppose."

Obama then stood up, pulling a cape over his a suit and tie. He touched me kind of awkwardly on the shoulder.

"Remember Wolly -"


"Ollie. Remember remember Ollie - the 4th of November." And with a swish of a Blackberry he was gone.

I looked down at the table we were sitting at to see a knife pinning down a small piece of paper. It was a voter registration form with the letter 'O' dashed across it with a Sharpie. I looked at my watch. Wait a second! That guy still owes me twenty minutes of face-time!

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